I was hypnotized!

Last week, during my Psychology class, we were talking about hypnosis and all the conscious and unconscious moments of our mind. At the end the professor asked for some volunteers to be hypnotized, and of course, I had to be one of them. I cannot tell you everything about the process and how he did it, because I was not paying attention to that. I can just tell you how much this changed and affected my behavior this week.

First of all, before he started with the hypnosis, he asked us to write down one thing that we wanted to change on our behavior. Earlier that night he mentioned that he had used self-hypnosis to lose weight. And yes, as a person willing to cut off some pounds I wrote in my paper "lose weight".
During the process he was continuously repeating that we were still conscious and we knew where we were and what we were doing. After a while - when we were fully relaxed and ready for a nap - he started asking each one of us questions related to the things we wanted to change. Surprisingly enough I can remember our conversation.

He: How many lbs do you want to lose per week?
Me: I don't know, maybe 5 lbs.
He: Wow, that is a lot. How do you think you can do it?
Me: I don't know, maybe by eating healthier and exercising.
He: OK, from now and on you are going to eat much healthier, you are not going to be hungry and you are going to exercise relatively more but not too much. OK?
Me: OK (and then I smiled)

It is a very short conversation but the way his words sound and the tone of his voice are stuck  in my head. Every time I think I am hungry and head to the refrigerator, I hear his voice telling me: "you are not going to be hungry, you are going to eat healthier." This does not work all the time - because I have to eat sometime during the day, but it definitely makes me snack less and choose healthier versions of dishes I love.

 Again, I do not know how long this is going to last or how much it is going to work on me. This is the reason why I did not talk about it with you since the first day. I wanted to wait a while and see the results. It has been a week and believe it or not I have felt some differences. My belly and stomach are not too much blown anymore and I started to enjoy healthy foods such as carrots and celery (my favorite snacks ).

You might think this is ridiculous and sometimes I think it too. I might have been hypnotized for real or it might just have been the idea that I was hypnotized and now I have to do everything he told me. Sincerely, I do not care and I do not want to know, I am HAPPY with my new eating habits and I hope they will not change.

I have some good news for you too! I am going to post - or at least try to post - my three main meals and maybe snacks I have ate and will eat everyday, in case you want to join me. You are going to find the posts on the "Food" page. I will be very glad if you take this journey with me :)

Love, Marjana

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