Bills organization...

Lately me desk has been a mess with all those papers, so I had to reorganize them. And I also wanted to spice my desk a little bit so I came up with some cute ideas. Here is one you can use for storing and organizing all the papers or bills you have.

For this project you will need:
A plastic paper holder
Glue Stick
Spray Glue
Invisible nail polish (optional)

1. Decide what you want to write on your paper holder and cut the letters.

2. Stick the letters on the paper holder, Don't put too much glue because you will have to remove the letters later.

3. Then, spray the whole area with the Glue spray, and sprinkle your glitters.

4. Remove the letters and this is optional, but if you like, you can go over the glitters with some invisible nail polish to keep the glitters on their place.

Please let me know if you liked it. You can basically do this with different words and for different organizing areas. Send me pictures if you try it :)

Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day was great. The weather couldn't have been better, shinny and chilly. And I didn't have to go to work so all in all it was perfect. I woke up in the morning had a delicious breakfast, styled my hair a little bit, put some make-up on, dressed up and went for coffee :)
Later on, I went to my cousin's for the Thanksgiving Dinner and I looooved the food. The turkey, the stuffing and my dear tiramisu were my favorites. We all had fun.
And of course, what's Thanksgiving without Black Friday Shopping? There were some pretty good sales, so I went to Mall which was super crowded... ! At the end of the day I was super exhausted but happy too :)
Love M

Dita e Falenderimeve ishte fantastike. Moti nuk mund te kishte qene me mire, me diell dhe pak fresket. Dhe nuk kisha pse te shkoja ne pune, keshtu qe ishte perfekte. U zgjova, hengra nje mengjes te shijshem, rregullova pak floket, u make-up-osa , u vesha dhe dola per kafe :)
Me vone, vajta nga kusherinjte per nje dreke super te shijshme. Te preferuarat e mia ishin gjeli i detit, persheshi qe behej nga gjeli dhe tiramisu-ja ime e dashur. Ja kaluam shume bukur.
Dhe kuptohet qe nuk mund te kuptohet dita e Falenderimeve pa Shopping-un e te Premtes se Zeze. Uljet ishin vertet te mira... Keshtu qe bera nje xhiro andej nga qendra tregetare e cila ishte super e populluar me njerez! Ne fund te dites isha shume e lodhur por shume e lumtur :)
Love M


Snow brings Christmas' decoration !!!

So the coldest season has arrived...and i feel really really cold only thinking of it. You have no idea how bad it becomes here in Chicago. We have the worst snow-storms you can ever imagine. Although there is one think  I like about winter...Christmaaassss!!!! It is my favorite holiday ever and I get so into the Christmas' Spirit. That's the reason why I am going to start posting a lot about many different topics related with it. But you will have to wait a little bit more :)
Until then Enjoy these nice pictures showing you the view from the window of the office I work.
Love M

Pra stina me e ftohte sapo ka arritur...dhe une e ndjej te ftohten vetem duke menduar per te. Nuk e keni idene sa keq behet ketu ne Cikago. Kemi stuhite me te keqija te debores qe mund te imagjinoni. Gjithsesi ka dicka qe me pelqen tek dimri... Krishtlindjaaaa!!! Eshte festa ime e preferuar dhe e perjetoj shume. Kjo eshte arsyeja pse do filloj te postoj artikuj te llojeve te ndryshme qe kane lidhje me te. Por duhet te prisni dhe pak :)
Deri atehere Shijoni keto foto qe ju tregojne pamjen nga dritarja e zyres ku punoj.
Love M

I'm Addicted to You....Coffee !!!!!

Yes, I admit it. I am more than obsessed with coffee. My day starts too early in the morning (4 a.m.), and I really need that dose of caffeine. So once the things are calmed down at work, I take a 15 min break and go buy my Coffee. The reason why I don't take coffee first thing in the morning, it's because I like drinking it after breakfast; it really helps with digestion.

I know that many people think of coffee as a bad addicting substance,and this might be true if you take tremendous doses of caffeine. In fact, studies have shown that 1 cup of coffee a day can actually affect your body for good.

If taken in proper doses, coffee may:

- Be Extremely Good For Your Liver
- Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
- Help control Low Blood Pressure
- Drastically Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes
- Improve the function of your vessels
- Help You Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance
- Make You Smarter !!! :)

So stop thinking bad of coffee and start drinking it every-once in a while. It's a great drink. 
Enjoy it!

Po, e pranoj. Jam me shume e fiksuar me kafene. Dita ime nis shume heret ne mengjes (4 e mengjesit), dhe kam shume nevoje per ate dozen e kafeines. Keshtu qe sapo qetesohen pak gjerat ne pune, marr nje pushim 15 min dhe shkoj te ble Kafen time. Arsyeja pse nuk e pi kafen qe ne pike te mengjesit, eshte sepse me pelqen ta pi pasi kam ngrene mengjes, ndihmon shume me tretjen.

E di qe shume njerez e mendojne kafene si nje substance te keqe dhe fiksuese, dhe ndoshta mund te jete e tille ne qofte se meret ne doza te larta. Ne fakt, studimet kane treguar se nje filxhan kafe ne dite mund t'i beje shume mire trupit tuaj.

Ne qofte se merret ne doza te arsyeshme, kafeja mund:

- Te jete shume e mire per melcine
- Te ule rrezikun e semundjeve Alzheimer dhe Parkinson
- Te ndihmoje ne kontrollin e tensionit te ulet te gjakut
- Te ule shume rrezikun e Diabetit II
- Te permiresoje funksionimin e eneve te gjakut
- Te ndihmoje ne djegien e dhjamrave dhe permiresimin e performances fizike
- T'ju beje me Inteligjente! :)

Keshtu qe mjaft menduat qe kafeja eshte e keqe dhe filloni ta konsumoni ndonjehere. Eshte nje pije vertet e mire. Shijojeni!

Sauna and its Benefits to our body...

Yesterday I was too tired I didn't feel in the mood for exercising, so i decided to try the sauna at my gym. I still cannot believe how wonderful I felt after it. I hadn't been on the sauna for so long. My body was so relaxed and my skin was so smooth. Inspired from this feeling, I came home and I did some research on sauna in general and its benefits. Here is what I found out:

A sauna is a type of heat bath that uses dry heat to create very high temperatures. Most saunas have interiors lined with wood that is usually cedar. They can be heated with small electric or wood-burning stoves with stones on top. You toss water on the stones or on the walls of the sauna to increase the humidity and make it more comfortable. Most saunas reach temperatures upwards of 180 degrees F, so you shouldn't stay in for more than 15 or 20 minutes.

The Benefits

- The heat from the sauna causes your muscles to relax, which helps relieve stress. Increased muscular relaxation can also help reduce pain.

- If you suffer from asthma and chronic bronchitis, you can benefit from taking regular sauna baths. The heat dilates bronchial and nasal passages, allowing air to travel more freely. The heat and steam from the sauna also help to clear mucus from nasal and bronchial passages.

- Taking regular sauna baths will not prevent all types of illness, but it might help reduce the number of colds you get and how long the colds last. 

-  When you sweat a lot, your pores open up and the sweat can rinse out dirt and impurities in your skin. A sauna can leave your skin feeling soft, clean and sometimes tingling. Cleaner pores may reduce acne outbreaks. To get their skin really clean, Finnish people use a loofah or brush while in the sauna to remove rough patches and dead skin cells.

After this, I promised myself to go back there at least two times a week. It's included on my membership, so why shouldn't I ?

Dje isha shume e lodhur dhe nuk isha ne qejf per ushtrime, keshtu qe vendosa te provoja saunan e palestres. Akoma nuk e besoj sa mire u ndjeva pas saj. Kisha kohe qe nuk kisha shkuar ne sauna. Trupi me ndihej i clodhur dhe lekura shume e bute. E frymezuar nga kjo ndjesi, erdha ne shtepi dhe bera disa kerkime mbi saunan ne pergjithesi dhe benefitet e saj. Ja cfare zbulova:

Sauna eshte nje tip banjoje e ngrohte qe perdor nxehtesine e "thate" per te ngritur temperaturen. Pjesa me e madhe e saunave kane nje interior te ndertuar me dru. Ato nxehen me stofa te vogla elektrike ose druri, te cilat kane siper gure. Per te shtuar lageshtine dhe per ta bere me te rehatshme, guret dhe muret sperkaten me uje. Saunat mund te arrijne temperaturen 82 grade C, prandaj nuk duhet te rini me shume se 15-20 min.

Benefitet e Saunas

E nxehta e saunas relakson muskujt, gje qe ndihmon ne shkarkimin e stresit. Rritja e relaksimit te muskujve ndihmon ne lehtesimin e dhimbjeve.

Ne qofte se vuani nga asma apo bronkit kronik, mund te perfitoni nga saunat e here pas hershme. Nxehtesia pastron mukusin ne rruget e bronkeve dhe te hundes si dhe i zgjeron ato, duke lejuar ajrin te futet lehtesisht.

Frekuentimi i rregullt i saunas nuk do te ule rrezikun e marrjes se semundjeve, por ndihmon ne uljen e numrit te te ftohurave dhe kohezgjatjen e tyre.

Kur djersin shume, poret hapen dhe djersa mund te nxjerre jashte gjithe papastertite e lekures tende. Sauna e ben lekuren tende te ndihet e bute, e paster dhe e shndritshme. Poret e pastra ulin rrezikun e akneve. Per nje pastrim sa me te thelle te lekures, Finlandezet perdorin nje lloj te vecante furce "loofah" per te hequr njollat e lekures dhe qelizat e vdekura ne te. 

Pas kesaj, i premtova vetes qe do te shkoj ne sauna te pakten dy here ne jave. Ne fund te fundit e kam brenda ne abonim, pse te mos shkoj?

Winter says its first "Hello" to Autumn

I have never been an Autumn-fan , but Chicago made me love it. It is true that it is full of rains and the strongest winds, but it's not true that it is gray and boring. I have seen some very warm and vivid colors lately. Sincerely, nature does magic with its effects. Here is where the colors of a late Autumn combine with Winter's first touch...

Enjoy M

Asnjehere nuk kam qene fanse e Vjeshtes, por Cikago me beri ta dashuroja ate. Eshte e vertete qe eshte e mbushur me shira pafund dhe nje ere shume te forte, por nuk eshte e vertete qe eshte gri dhe e merzitshme. Kohet e fundit kam pare disa ngjyra vertet te ngrohta dhe plot jete. Sinqerisht, natyra eshte e magjishme me efektet e saj. Ja ku kombinohen ngjyrat e fund-vjeshtes me prekjen e pare te Dimrit Plak...

Shijojeni M


Hi guys! Welcome to my new blog! As you can see from its name, this blog is going to be about everything that inspires me. I love taking pictures a lot and I love Diy and Crafting. You are going to have a lot of this,but not only. I'm gonna be posting everything related with the beaty of life and living it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Love M

 Pershendetje miq! Mireserdhet ne blog-un tim te ri! Sic mund ta shikoni nga vete emri, ky blog do jete i gjithi rreth gjithckaje qe me frymezon. Me pelqen shume te krijoj gjera te reja nga disa te tjera (Diy and Crafting) dhe te nxjerre fotografi. Ju do the mund te shikoni shume prej tyre, por jo vetem. Do postoj gjithcka qe ka lidhje me bukurine e jetes dhe te jetuarit. Shpresoj te kenaqeni po aq sa dhe une. Me dashuri M