Sauna and its Benefits to our body...

Yesterday I was too tired I didn't feel in the mood for exercising, so i decided to try the sauna at my gym. I still cannot believe how wonderful I felt after it. I hadn't been on the sauna for so long. My body was so relaxed and my skin was so smooth. Inspired from this feeling, I came home and I did some research on sauna in general and its benefits. Here is what I found out:

A sauna is a type of heat bath that uses dry heat to create very high temperatures. Most saunas have interiors lined with wood that is usually cedar. They can be heated with small electric or wood-burning stoves with stones on top. You toss water on the stones or on the walls of the sauna to increase the humidity and make it more comfortable. Most saunas reach temperatures upwards of 180 degrees F, so you shouldn't stay in for more than 15 or 20 minutes.

The Benefits

- The heat from the sauna causes your muscles to relax, which helps relieve stress. Increased muscular relaxation can also help reduce pain.

- If you suffer from asthma and chronic bronchitis, you can benefit from taking regular sauna baths. The heat dilates bronchial and nasal passages, allowing air to travel more freely. The heat and steam from the sauna also help to clear mucus from nasal and bronchial passages.

- Taking regular sauna baths will not prevent all types of illness, but it might help reduce the number of colds you get and how long the colds last. 

-  When you sweat a lot, your pores open up and the sweat can rinse out dirt and impurities in your skin. A sauna can leave your skin feeling soft, clean and sometimes tingling. Cleaner pores may reduce acne outbreaks. To get their skin really clean, Finnish people use a loofah or brush while in the sauna to remove rough patches and dead skin cells.

After this, I promised myself to go back there at least two times a week. It's included on my membership, so why shouldn't I ?

Dje isha shume e lodhur dhe nuk isha ne qejf per ushtrime, keshtu qe vendosa te provoja saunan e palestres. Akoma nuk e besoj sa mire u ndjeva pas saj. Kisha kohe qe nuk kisha shkuar ne sauna. Trupi me ndihej i clodhur dhe lekura shume e bute. E frymezuar nga kjo ndjesi, erdha ne shtepi dhe bera disa kerkime mbi saunan ne pergjithesi dhe benefitet e saj. Ja cfare zbulova:

Sauna eshte nje tip banjoje e ngrohte qe perdor nxehtesine e "thate" per te ngritur temperaturen. Pjesa me e madhe e saunave kane nje interior te ndertuar me dru. Ato nxehen me stofa te vogla elektrike ose druri, te cilat kane siper gure. Per te shtuar lageshtine dhe per ta bere me te rehatshme, guret dhe muret sperkaten me uje. Saunat mund te arrijne temperaturen 82 grade C, prandaj nuk duhet te rini me shume se 15-20 min.

Benefitet e Saunas

E nxehta e saunas relakson muskujt, gje qe ndihmon ne shkarkimin e stresit. Rritja e relaksimit te muskujve ndihmon ne lehtesimin e dhimbjeve.

Ne qofte se vuani nga asma apo bronkit kronik, mund te perfitoni nga saunat e here pas hershme. Nxehtesia pastron mukusin ne rruget e bronkeve dhe te hundes si dhe i zgjeron ato, duke lejuar ajrin te futet lehtesisht.

Frekuentimi i rregullt i saunas nuk do te ule rrezikun e marrjes se semundjeve, por ndihmon ne uljen e numrit te te ftohurave dhe kohezgjatjen e tyre.

Kur djersin shume, poret hapen dhe djersa mund te nxjerre jashte gjithe papastertite e lekures tende. Sauna e ben lekuren tende te ndihet e bute, e paster dhe e shndritshme. Poret e pastra ulin rrezikun e akneve. Per nje pastrim sa me te thelle te lekures, Finlandezet perdorin nje lloj te vecante furce "loofah" per te hequr njollat e lekures dhe qelizat e vdekura ne te. 

Pas kesaj, i premtova vetes qe do te shkoj ne sauna te pakten dy here ne jave. Ne fund te fundit e kam brenda ne abonim, pse te mos shkoj?

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