Eggs filled with avocado!

This appetizer is fantastic and super delicious! You can use it impress your guests or even on an ordinary lunch when you feel like trying something new and different. I personally love avocados. I think they are delicious and of course they are a powerful food. So why not combine it with another powerful food and create a super combo? Cook it, snack it, enjoy it!


- 4 eggs
- 1 guacamole
- 4 cherry tomatoes
- 1 tbsp onion
- salt

Boil the eggs until hard, cut them in half and remove the egg yolk. In two separate bowls mash the guacamole and the egg yolk and then mix them together adding the tomatoes, onion and salt. Feel free to add any other ingredient you like. Mix well and fill the eggs with the mixture.

xoxo Marjana

Sunglasses hunt!

We went sunglasses hunting this weekend. Originally, we were supposed to find something for him, but I could not resist these three pair of sunglasses. Before you ask, no I did not buy any. First, because I already have two pair which I love, and second because they cost a fortune for me :P

1. The Devil wears Prada "Baroque" - $290

These are definitely not for me face shape, but you know....they are Prada and they are cute :)

Find them here 

2. Christian Dior Audacieuse 2 - $390
 Find them here

3. My favorite pair Channel - $420

Find them here

Back in time!

You know that feeling when you really want to go back in time when all you cared about is how fun reading was? That is exactly the way I was feeling yesterday, so I influenced just a little bit our ride on Sunday. We were originally heading to the mall to buy some baby gifts for a birthday party I have next week but I totally forget that the mall closes at 6 pm on Sundays. Obviously, NO shopping at all which disappointed me a lot but did not bring me down. We went back to our car and ... guess what we did next? We went to Barnes and Noble's. They had a Starbucks coffee there so yeap, I had to have my Grande Iced coffee. What I like about this Barnes and Noble is the huge "reading" areas and how nice and beautiful they coordinate the books with the year generation.

I mentioned above that I felt like going back in time so I was not going around the teenage and adult's area. I was actually looking around the Young readers area. OMG everything was so cute. I was behaving like a 7 year old kid, crying over the cutest cover books and wishing I could have them all. So I was doing that for a while until.... HARRY POTTER. I freaked out. Everything just stopped at that moment. Harry Potter - my old and current and forever obsession!!! All the books and the magic wands and all those memories; all those fun times. Back in Albania, I had a huge bookshelf that covered the whole wall and one section of it was full of Harry Potter's books, wallets, dolls and this kind of accessories. And when I saw these at Barnes and Noble I wanted them back :( But i know I can't - for now ;) That is why I took some pictures to remind me of him!!

Wishing you a very happy week,
xoxo Marjana!

DIY - Makeup Brush Holders

Hello my lovely friends! Today I have an easy and inexpensive DIY for you. I recently bought a new set of brushes and OMG - every time I start doing my makeup the whole place turns into a mess. There are so many brushes and it became very difficult to open and close their pouch every time I needed a specific brush. This is why I decided to go at the Dollar Store and buy a couple of things that will help me create something cute and useful.

Things you will need:

  • 2 candle holders = $2
  • 2 glass vases (I chose one squared and one circled) = $2
  • glue gun or any other strong glue you might have at home
  • salt, I am sure you have salt in your kitchen but I suggest to buy some more in case you chose to do this version = $1
  • big fat colorful chalks = the whole packet you see in the pictures costed $1  
  • patience  ^-^

Pershendje mikeshat e mia! Sot dua te ndaj me ju "krijimin" tim te radhes. Para pak kohesh bleva nje set te ri me furca per makeup dhe ... O zot i madh sa rremuje e madhe behej sa here qe shkoja para pasqyres dhe filloja te lyhesha. Po behej gjithmone e me e veshtire te hapja dhe te mbyllja canten e tyre sa here qe me duhej nje furce e vecante. Nuk mund te vazhdoja me ashtu, keshtu qe bera nje vizite te shkurter tek Dollar Store, nje dyqan ku gjithcka eshte vetem $1. Bleva te gjitha materialet qe me duheshin per te krijuar dicka te lezetshme dhe praktike.

Materialet qe ju duhen:

  • 2 mbajtese qiriri
  • 2 vazo qelqi, une zgjodha nje te rrumbullaket dhe nje katrore
  • ngjites per qelq, une zgjodha te perdorja pistoleten e silikonit sepse  me pelqen shume :)
  • kripe; edhe pse mund te kini kripe ne kuzhinen tuaj ju sugjeroj te blini pak me shume ne qofte se vendosni te beni kete version
  • shkumesa te medhenj me ngjyra
  • dhe pak fare durim ^-^

After you collect all these things it is time to start our DIY! :)

I keni te gjitha? Cfare prisni? Fillojme...

1. Apply glue on the top of the candle holder.
2. Apply glue on the bottom of the vase.
3. Stick them both together, press gently.
4,5. Repeat step 1 for the second candle holder.
6. Repeat step 2 for the second vase.
7. Stick the pieces together and press gently.
8. Let them dry.
9. Voila :)


Aplikoni ngjitesin ne pjesen e sipersme te mbajteses se qiririt dhe ne pjesen e poshtme te vazove. Bashkoni pjeset duke ushtruar pak force dhe prisni sa te thahen. :)

Now that you have your brush holders ready you will need something to fill them. If you don't do so the brushes will still be a mess and you will not be able to see them clearly, you will still struggle and you will still have a mess. You can choose anything to fill the holders with, a friend of mine uses coffee grains. I wanted something more girly, colorful and fun. This is why I chose salt and chalks.

1. Pure some salt on a container and start mixing it with the chalk. The salt will scratch the chalk and it will color.
2. Pure the colored salt in the brush holder.
3. Do the same thing with all the colors, layering them one by one until you have a rainbow :)

Tani qe i keni gati mbajteset tuaj duhet t'i mbushni me dicka ne menyre qe furcat mos qendrojne te lira dhe te jeni serish rremuje. Mund te zgjidhni shume gjera per te mbushur vazot, nje shoqja ime perdor kokrra kafeje. Une doja dicka shumengjyrese dhe pak me shume vajzerore, prandaj zgjodha kripen dhe shkumesat.

1. Hidni pak kripe nje taper plastik dhe filloni ta perzjeni me shkumesin. Kripa do te gervishte shkumesin dhe pas pak minutash do te marre ngjyren e shkumesit.
2. Hidhni kripen e ngjyrosur ne vazon tuaj.
3. Perserisni te njejten procedure me te gjitha ngjyrat dhe shtojini ne vazo shtrese pas shtrese duke krijuar nje ylber. :)

Put your brushes and voila! Here you have a nice brush holder and decoration too :)

Thank you for visiting me!

Shpresoj tju kete pelqyer!
Ju perqafoj,
 Marjana :)

Day 9 - Eating healthier

This is sick-y day! I felt horrible and I was really sick, and surprisingly I was craving vegetables. So I cooked some vegetables (more than necessary) and combined them with pork chop for lunch. As for dinner I mixed them with an egg and created an omelet-kind of mixture which I combined with fat-free Greek yogurt. Oh, and for breakfast I had oatmeal with crunchy peanut butter because that is my favorite kind of PB. That's all.

See you tomorrow :)


Shume zarzavate sot ne sfond. Per dreke i shoqerova me nje berxolle te pjekur ndersa ne darke krijova nje omelete te cilen e shoqerova me kos pa yndyre. Sa per vaktin me te rendesishem te dites, mengjesin, hengra serish tershere por kete radhe i hodha pak gjalpe kikiriku nga siper per ti dhene pak me shume shije.

Shihemi neser,

Day 8 - Eating healthier

Hello loves! First of all I apologize for being so late today on this daily post but I had a lot going on. So without further useless explanations, let's see what I ate on  my 8th day.

I have been loving and obsessing with oatmeal-fruit combos. I have really noticed that they boost my energy and keep me full for a very long time. I think I am going to stick with oatmeal for a very long time and this is very unusual because a month ago I couldn't even think of oatmeal. Now I LOVE it :) Today I decided to pair it with a mango. 

Lunch consists of lentils and salad. I have loved lentils since I was a little kid. My mom used to cook us lentils instead of the regular bean, even though she does not eat them herself. I would always ALWAYS have two servings for myself - I really loved them and I still do. I think they are so much more delicious and have more nutrients. They are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, iron, magnesium, and they help your digestive system. If you love your heart eat lentils (I learned that at school).

Dinner - a simple turkey toast and fat-free yogurt.

See you tomorrow,


Pershendetje! Pike se pari ju kerkoj falje qe jam me vonese sot po kisha shume gjera neper duar dhe nuk mund te postoja me perpara. Le te mos e zgjasim shume kete punen e justifikemeve dhe shfajesimit time dhe le te shohim se cfare hengra ne diten e 8.

Sic mund ta keni vene re kam filluar te adhuroj kombinimin e tersheres me fruta. E kam vene re qe tershera me jep shume energji dhe me mban "plot" per nje kohe te gjate. Mesa duket do te vazhdoj ta perdor per nje kohe te gjate, kjo eshte shume e cuditshme sepse nje muaj me pare as nuk doja ta dija qe ajo ekzistonte. Tani e ADHUROJ, dhe sot vendosa ta shoqeroja me nje mango.

Nuk e di si e quan shumica e popullsise sepse une gjithmone kam perdorur emertimin grek, por kam degjuar qe i thone groshe. Ate kisha per dreke sot, te shoqeruar me sallate si gjithmone. Me kane pelqyer shume groshet qekur isha e vogel. Mami na gatuante gjithmone groshe ne vend te fasuleve te zakonshme, dhe une gjithmone do te haja dy pjata. Po, me kane pelqyer vertet shume dhe akoma i adhuroj. Groshet jane nje burim shume i mire fibre qe ul kolesterolin dhe mbron zemren tuaj, jane plot hekur, magnez dhe nje ndihmes i sistemit tuaj tretes. Ne shkolle me kane thene: "Ne qofte se e do zemren tende, perdori groshet." E cfare mund te them tjeter?

Per darke - nje tost te thjeshte me pak gjel deti dhe kos pa yndyre.

Shihemi neser,

Day 7 - Eating healthier

Here comes the weekend. Now I told you on my first post that weekend days are the worst days for me to eat healthy - there will always be something not that healthy in front of me. I like to treat myself on weekends - I take relaxing very seriously :) But surprisingly I did not eat very bad this Saturday. I woke up in a good mood, happy and full of energy and I made us a good veggie-belly omelet. I like this name, don't you. This omelet is basically scrambled eggs in a round-shape and filled with veggies of your choice. Top it with 1 tbsp of non-fat greek yogurt and you are ready to go. OMG this is so delicious!

Today's lunch consists of fish, baked potatoes and salad, and the dinner has only a cup of iced coffee, just because it's Saturday and I can stay up as late as I want :)
Ja ku na erdhi dhe fundjava. Ne postin e pare ju rrefeva se fundjava, pra mbremja e se premtes, e shtuna dhe e djela jane ditet me te keqija per te ngrene shendetshem. Gjithmone do te ekzistoje dicka para meje qe un nuk do mundem t'e rezistoj. Ne fund te fundit eshte fundjave dhe mua me pelqen ta marr clodhjen seriozisht dhe ta "perkedhel" sadopak veten :) Cuditerisht kete te Shtune nuk hengra dhe shume "keq". U zgjova ne mengjes e lumtur, me humor te mire dhe plot energji, dhe bera dy omeleta plot me zarzavate. Thjesht skuqa vezet ne formen e nje petulle te fshire dhe pastaj e mbusha me zarzavatet e mia te preferuara. Per t'a freskuar pak me shume shtova dhe nje luge kos grek pa yndyre. Ishte shume e shijshme!

Dreka ishte shume e thjeshte: sallaten e perditshme, pesh dhe ndoshta nje sasi pak e tepert me patate - s'kam cfare te bej, i pelqej shume ato te shkretat! Por s'ka gje, e rregullova me kafen qe piva ne darke.

Day 6 - Eating healthier

Hello hello! I managed to keep it somehow healthy for 5 days. The difference is not that huge but I feel better; I have more energy and my digestive system feels better. And I decided to have another "light" day - not because I want to lose a LOT of weight but because I just felt like eating less, I was not hungry - simple like that. And do not worry for me, I am eating well, I am not starving myself.

Powerful breakfast - Oatmeal and apple

Spaghetti with mushrooms and ground beef


Non-fat Greek yogurt

Day 5 - Eating healthier

Another crazy day. I woke up really really REALLY late for work so I did not have time for any breakfast. Luckily I was not even hungry - at all. So I started my day with my all time favorite coffee from Starbucks and it kept me full for all the 8 hrs at work - I was busy that day and did not think about hunger. I had some veggies for lunch with chicken chest and non-fat yogurt for dinner. It was a very light day, not that much calories but I was happy at the end.

Day 4 - Eating healthier

Wednesday CRAZY day! I do not want to go back and live it again. I was living my day peacefully and taking it easy because I did not have school (that's what I thought). Something inside of me told me: "Marjana go check your class schedule again, you won't lose anything. And I did. And BOOM! I had class two hours after work, which is crazy because two hours are nothing when you live in the U.S.A. It takes me 30 mins to go back home from work and another 30 mins to go to school. There is an hour gone just like that - driving. The other hour is not enough to prepare myself and my backpack so here is where my diet goes bad.

My breakfast was delicious and kept me full for most of the day. I prepared a sandwich and packed some baby carrots, celery and strawberries to take with me. This might seem a lot, but remember, I start work at 5 am and that day I had to stay there until 1 pm, so this should be breakfast and lunch together.

As for lunch/dinner I had to eat at the school's cafeteria because I had no time and I was going to be there from 3 pm to 10 pm. I am sorry guys but this is the only thing I could eat from the cafeteria. 

Breakfast/Lunch at work

Lunch/Dinner at school

Tacos and guacamole