Hello my lovely friends! Today I have an easy and inexpensive DIY for you. I recently bought a new set of brushes and OMG - every time I start doing my makeup the whole place turns into a mess. There are so many brushes and it became very difficult to open and close their pouch every time I needed a specific brush. This is why I decided to go at the Dollar Store and buy a couple of things that will help me create something cute and useful.
Things you will need:
- 2 candle holders = $2
- 2 glass vases (I chose one squared and one circled) = $2
- glue gun or any other strong glue you might have at home
- salt, I am sure you have salt in your kitchen but I suggest to buy some more in case you chose to do this version = $1
- big fat colorful chalks = the whole packet you see in the pictures costed $1
- patience ^-^
Pershendje mikeshat e mia! Sot dua te ndaj me ju "krijimin" tim te radhes. Para pak kohesh bleva nje set te ri me furca per makeup dhe ... O zot i madh sa rremuje e madhe behej sa here qe shkoja para pasqyres dhe filloja te lyhesha. Po behej gjithmone e me e veshtire te hapja dhe te mbyllja canten e tyre sa here qe me duhej nje furce e vecante. Nuk mund te vazhdoja me ashtu, keshtu qe bera nje vizite te shkurter tek Dollar Store, nje dyqan ku gjithcka eshte vetem $1. Bleva te gjitha materialet qe me duheshin per te krijuar dicka te lezetshme dhe praktike.
Materialet qe ju duhen:
- 2 mbajtese qiriri
- 2 vazo qelqi, une zgjodha nje te rrumbullaket dhe nje katrore
- ngjites per qelq, une zgjodha te perdorja pistoleten e silikonit sepse me pelqen shume :)
- kripe; edhe pse mund te kini kripe ne kuzhinen tuaj ju sugjeroj te blini pak me shume ne qofte se vendosni te beni kete version
- shkumesa te medhenj me ngjyra
- dhe pak fare durim ^-^
After you collect all these things it is time to start our DIY! :)
I keni te gjitha? Cfare prisni? Fillojme...
1. Apply glue on the top of the candle holder.
2. Apply glue on the bottom of the vase.
3. Stick them both together, press gently.
4,5. Repeat step 1 for the second candle holder.
6. Repeat step 2 for the second vase.
7. Stick the pieces together and press gently.
8. Let them dry.
9. Voila :)
Aplikoni ngjitesin ne pjesen e sipersme te mbajteses se qiririt dhe ne pjesen e poshtme te vazove. Bashkoni pjeset duke ushtruar pak force dhe prisni sa te thahen. :)
Now that you have your brush holders ready you will need something to fill them. If you don't do so the brushes will still be a mess and you will not be able to see them clearly, you will still struggle and you will still have a mess. You can choose anything to fill the holders with, a friend of mine uses coffee grains. I wanted something more girly, colorful and fun. This is why I chose salt and chalks.
1. Pure some salt on a container and start mixing it with the chalk. The salt will scratch the chalk and it will color.
2. Pure the colored salt in the brush holder.
3. Do the same thing with all the colors, layering them one by one until you have a rainbow :)
Tani qe i keni gati mbajteset tuaj duhet t'i mbushni me dicka ne menyre qe furcat mos qendrojne te lira dhe te jeni serish rremuje. Mund te zgjidhni shume gjera per te mbushur vazot, nje shoqja ime perdor kokrra kafeje. Une doja dicka shumengjyrese dhe pak me shume vajzerore, prandaj zgjodha kripen dhe shkumesat.
1. Hidni pak kripe nje taper plastik dhe filloni ta perzjeni me shkumesin. Kripa do te gervishte shkumesin dhe pas pak minutash do te marre ngjyren e shkumesit.
2. Hidhni kripen e ngjyrosur ne vazon tuaj.
3. Perserisni te njejten procedure me te gjitha ngjyrat dhe shtojini ne vazo shtrese pas shtrese duke krijuar nje ylber. :)
Put your brushes and voila! Here you have a nice brush holder and decoration too :)
Thank you for visiting me!
Shpresoj tju kete pelqyer!
Ju perqafoj,
Marjana :)