Kayak for the first time!

Memorial weekend was the beginning of summer, for sure. The weather, of course, was amazing; 90 degrees, summer breezes now and then, and the sun was in its best shape - shining stronger than ever.
Unfortunately for us, all the camp grounds we had planned and not planned to go were already booked. I was not surprised, just a little bit disappointed I didn't think of that earlier. But it turned out to be fine. Our second anniversary as a married couple was someday this weekend :) and we thought to buy ourselves something new; something we would use for the first time and have fun.
Yes, we bought ourselves a kayak. The 1 for 2. For salt and fresh water. And we went to put it on try. How did it go? I think very well. A little bit hard at the beginning until we started coordinating our arms. You know? Kayak is a very good and intensive sport. But I am not going to talk about it.
It was so beautiful to be on that "boat", feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and enjoy the great architecture combined with the green of nature. Those houses were amazing. I hope their owners feel this way too and take care of them for the longest time. A house like that holds so many memories and regardless to them being good or bad, they still are the memories of "that summer". Strong and forever stacked in your heart.
I am getting too emotional at this point, and I shouldn't, so I better go and leave you enjoy the pictures...Maybe you will go inside your heart or mind and dig for those special memories.

xoxo, Marjana

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