My specialty: Tiramisu

I learned how to make Tiramisu probably 6-7 year ago when I visited a friend of mine in Greece; and I haven't stop making it since then. I have experimented a lot of times, adding or changing ingredients but the classic one is my favorite.
That is what I have for you today. It is very simple, you only need a few steps, you will be done in less than 20 minutes, and it tastes super delicious. I give you permission to ask any of my friends or family if you do not believe :)
Enough said...Let's get started!

You will need:

2 packs of Philadelphia
1 pack of Whip Cream
3-4 packs of Ladyfingers cookies (depends on the size of your container)
1 egg
1/2 cup of sugar
cocoa and coffee ( i don't measure them exactly, I just see-measure them )

 Step 1: Mix the egg, sugar, Philadelphia and whipped cream together until they become a creamy mass.

Step 2: Mix some water with your coffee and dip the ladyfingers in it. Be careful not to wet them too much.

Step 3: Arrange your ladyfingers in your container (I am using a glassy pan) and the cover them with the first layer of the cream.

Step 4: Repeat the same process again.

Step 5: Sprinkle the cocoa. I don't recommend a lot of cocoa because sometimes it tends to harm your throat and it does not taste good. Let it stay in the fridge for about 30 mins.

Step 6: Enjoy it!

Have a nice weekend!
Love, Marjana

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