Yes, I admit it. I am more than obsessed with coffee. My day starts too early in the morning (4 a.m.), and I really need that dose of caffeine. So once the things are calmed down at work, I take a 15 min break and go buy my Coffee. The reason why I don't take coffee first thing in the morning, it's because I like drinking it after breakfast; it really helps with digestion.
I know that many people think of coffee as a bad addicting substance,and this might be true if you take tremendous doses of caffeine. In fact, studies have shown that 1 cup of coffee a day can actually affect your body for good.
If taken in proper doses, coffee may:
- Be Extremely Good For Your Liver
- Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
- Help control Low Blood Pressure
- Drastically Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes
- Improve the function of your vessels
- Help You Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance
- Make You
Smarter !!! :)
So stop thinking bad of coffee and start drinking it every-once in a while. It's a great drink.
Enjoy it!
Po, e pranoj. Jam me shume e fiksuar me kafene. Dita ime nis shume heret ne mengjes (4 e mengjesit), dhe kam shume nevoje per ate dozen e kafeines. Keshtu qe sapo qetesohen pak gjerat ne pune, marr nje pushim 15 min dhe shkoj te ble Kafen time. Arsyeja pse nuk e pi kafen qe ne pike te mengjesit, eshte sepse me pelqen ta pi pasi kam ngrene mengjes, ndihmon shume me tretjen.
E di qe shume njerez e mendojne kafene si nje substance te keqe dhe fiksuese, dhe ndoshta mund te jete e tille ne qofte se meret ne doza te larta. Ne fakt, studimet kane treguar se nje filxhan kafe ne dite mund t'i beje shume mire trupit tuaj.
Ne qofte se merret ne doza te arsyeshme, kafeja mund:
- Te jete shume e mire per melcine
- Te ule rrezikun e semundjeve Alzheimer dhe Parkinson
- Te ndihmoje ne kontrollin e tensionit te ulet te gjakut
- Te ule shume rrezikun e Diabetit II
- Te permiresoje funksionimin e eneve te gjakut
- Te ndihmoje ne djegien e dhjamrave dhe permiresimin e performances fizike
- T'ju beje me
Inteligjente! :)
Keshtu qe mjaft menduat qe kafeja eshte e keqe dhe filloni ta konsumoni ndonjehere. Eshte nje pije vertet e mire. Shijojeni!